

初中英语阅读理解练习_初中英语试题_英语王用户名: 密码: 奥数王|小升初网|奥赛思维英语|第一中考网|中国奥数网|家教网|作文网首 页 招生动态 办学成绩 剑桥少儿英语 剑桥中学英语 新概念英语 小升初英语 三一口语 初中英语 高中英语 入学测试卷 水木奖学金 社区导航: 海淀小升初讨论区 西城小升初讨论区 其它小升初讨论区 水木尖子班 一二三年级奥数区 四五年级奥数区 英语讨论区 中考讨论区 水木问答 水木社区 您现在的位置: 英语王 >> 英语题库 >> 初中英语试题 >> 正文 初中英语阅读理解练习英语王-少儿英语辅导专家!英语网 - 少儿英语专家 作者:佚名 文章来源:网络 点击数:18777 更新时间:2006-5-13 10:09:41An artist has a small daughter. Sometimes he painted women without any clothes on, and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this, “She is too young to understand,” they said. But one day, when the artist was painting a woman with no clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the little girl suddenly ran into the room. Her mother ran up the stairs after her, but when she got to the top, the little girl was already in the room and looking at the woman. Both her parents waited for her to speak. For a few seconds the little girl said nothing, but then she ran to her mother and said angrily, “Why do you let her go about without shoes and socks on when you don’t let me? 1. An artist is a person ___. A. who paints pictures B. who paints women with no clothes on C. who paints walls D. who paints buildings 2. The parents always kept the little girl out when the father was painting women without any clothes on, because ___. A. the girl wasn’t old enough to understand what her father was doing B. the girl would follow the women’s example C. the girl was too young to learn to paint D. the parents didn’t want her to be interested in painting 3. From the passage we can conclude that the parents didn’t allow the girl to ___. A. go around bare foot B. enter the room suddenly C. disturb her father’s work D. see any of her father’s work 4. Asa matter of fact, ___. A. the girl didn’t notice the woman in the picture didn’t wear clothes B. the girl knew a lot about art C. the girl didn’t want to understand art D. the girl enjoyed going around with her shoes and socks on 5. What the girl said made her parents ___. A. worried B. uneasy C. relieved D. interested 答案:AAACC  资讯 文章录入:英语王 责任编辑:英语王 上一篇文章: 初一、七年级Unit12 Don’t eat in class 提高作业二下一篇文章: 初一英语重点词组及句子练习网友评论(只显示最新10条。评论内容只代表网友观点,与本站立场无关!)没有任何评论 精确查询 招生资讯试题下载 水木品牌:小升初网 英语王 第一中考网 中国奥数网 VIP家教 作文王最新试题入学测试卷相关文章中考试题 一English Examination for Grade One 1 强调句2 look动词短语拾零3 被动语态 二4 被动语态 初中英语语法 一5 中考考点6 常用动词习惯用法7 主谓一致的用法及专项练习题·奥赛思维英语分班入学测试卷(六年·奥赛思维英语分班入学测试卷(五年·奥赛思维英语分班入学测试卷(四年·奥赛思维英语分班入学测试卷(三我的英语口语学习该怎么办呢笑的英语单词初一英语短语有什么呀怎么提高英语电台的听力2011迎春杯报名及初赛晋级考《新概念英语》学习班招生简英语国际音标班“迎春杯”考试时间为12月19out of 的短语有什么没有比较级的形容词和副词有活动图片我与小升初的故2008小升初“综恰同学少年玉渊潭公园的游我们在一起课间休息我做主英语小游戏 听音辨字母字母游戏·听音辨字母·字母游戏·单词大搜索之万圣夜·超级自行车·掘金工人·快乐恐龙岛·动物单词关于水木 媒体报道 授课地点 联系我们 教师招聘 员工招聘 服务条款 隐私保护 Copyright 2005-2009 SIMOO EDU. All rights reserved.知春里教学部:海淀区科学院南路59号2层(中关村中学正对面) 电话:010-51664711公主坟教学部:海淀区翠微大厦东侧胡同往北100米(翠微小学斜对面) 电话:010-51664722北师大教学部:北师大东门金丰和写字楼1栋A座506室 电话:010-51661788联系QQ:631950282 备案序号:京ICP备05070870号