

Prescription 处方,procurement 采购,

pharmacy 药房,pharmacist 药剂师,pharmaceutical 制药的,药物 Good Hospital Pharmacy Practice 优良医院药房规范

Pharmaceutical care 药学监护

药护协作服务(pharmaceutical-nursing collaborative care, PNCC )

1. 请问您有没有什么药物过敏?例如:抗生素,青霉素,头孢类。

1. Excuse me ,do you have any drug allergies? Such as antibiotics, penicillins ,or cephalosporins.

2. 请把您的处方递给我。

2. Please show me your prescription.

3. 这个药是口服的,一日3次,每次2粒(2片,2丸,2支)。

3. This medicine is administered orally,three times a day,two for each time.

4. 这个药是外用的,一天3次。

4. This medicine is for external use,three times a day

5. 这三个滴眼液都是滴眼睛用的,每个滴眼液之前需相隔15分钟,其中这个需放置于2~8℃的环境保存。

5. These are three kinds of eye drops. 15 minutes is required between the use of each kind of eye drop. This one should be stored at 2-8℃.

6. 这些是治疗单,用做治疗的。

6. These are treatment lists(therapeutic lists), used for treatment.

7. 口服补液盐用法:这个药一天一包,加500ml 水冲服,口渴了就喝,


7. The usage of oral rehydration salts: a pack per day,mix with 500ml of water. Drink it when you feel thirsty. Drink all of it within one day.

8. 这个药(美林)是用于退烧的,当体温高于38.5℃时,喝1.25毫升。

8. This medicine is febrifuge. Take 1.25ml when the body temperature is higher than 38.5℃.

9. 这个药是外用塞肛门(塞阴道)的。

9. This medicine is for external use to insert into the anus(or vagina).

10. 泡腾片:这个药的用法是:一天3次,每次2片,冲水,等溶解完全再服用。

10.Effervescent tablets: The usage is three times a day, two for each time. Dissolve them completely in the water before taking.

11. 吃药期间不能喝任何含酒精的饮品。

11. Do not drink any alcoholic drink during the medication.

12. 吃药期间不能喝茶。

12. Do not drink tea during the medication.

Do not drink tea during taking the drugs.