





三、 教材:黄伯荣、廖序东主编《现代汉语》


第一章 绪论



第一节 现代汉语概述

第二节 新时期语言文字工作的方针和任务

第三节 现代汉语的性质、内容和任务

第二章 语音



第一节 语音概说

第二节 声母

第三节 韵母

第四节 声调

第五节 音节

第六节 音变

第七节 音位

第八节 朗读和语调

第九节 语音规范化

第三章 文字

掌握现代汉语书面符号系统――汉字的基础理论和系统知识,提高学生正确理解、分析及运用汉语汉字的能力,提高学生对汉字规范化的意识。 各节讲授重点

第一节 汉字概说

第二节 汉字的形体

第三节 汉字的构造

第四节 汉字的整理和标准化

第五节 正确使用汉字

第四章 词汇



第一节 词汇和词汇单位

第二节 词义的性质和构成

第三节 词义的分解

第四节 词义的聚合――语义场

第五节 语境和词义

第六节 现代汉语词汇的组成(上) ――词的总汇

第七节 现代汉语词汇的组成(下) ――熟语的总汇

第八节 词汇的发展变化和词汇的规范化

第五章 语法



第一节 语法概说

第二节 词类(上)

第三节 词类(下)

第四节 短语

第五节 句子成份

第六节 句类、句型

第七节 常见的句法失误

第八节 复句

第九节 句群

第十节 标点符号

第六章 修辞



第一节 修辞概说

第二节 词语的锤炼

第三节 句式的选择

第四节 辞格(一)

第五节 辞格(二)

第六节 辞格(三)

第七节 辞格(四)

第八节 辞格的综合运用

第九节 修辞中常出现的错误

第十节 语体风格


Modern Chinese

1. Course description

“Modern Chinese ” is one of foundation courses for the college and university students who major in Chinese and Journalism. It systematically instructs the basic theory and basic knowledge of modern Chinese, as well as strengthens the basic training skills to improve the level of modern Chinese theory and practical applications ability of students. And to lay good foundation for students to learn other courses, work in language area, language teaching and research of modern Chinese in the future.

2. Teaching arrangements

3. Teaching materials: “Modern Chinese ” edited by Borong Huang, Xudong Liao

4. Sub-chapter outline

Chapter one

Understand the basic situation and characteristics, standards and

formation of the common language and the dialects overview of modern Chinese. Comprehend objectives and tasks of present stage in language, definitude the meaning of language standardization; to improve the level of language standardization theory and consciousness of action.

Teaching key points in each section

Section 1 Overview of modern Chinese

Section 2 Objectives and tasks of the Language work in the new


Section 3 Character, content and task of the of modern Chinese

Chapter two Pronunciation

Ascertain the basic character and basic concepts of pronunciation

and master the principle pronunciation of Putonghua (common speech based on Beijing pronunciation), to master the phonetic system, phonological system and pronunciation variations of Putonghua; improve students' pronunciation of Putonghua and its theoretical level; possess preliminary distinguish pronunciation, remember the pronunciation capacity; improve awareness of the pronunciation standardization.

Teaching key points in each section

Section 1Summary of voice

Section 2 Initials

Section 3 Finals

Section 4 Tones

Section 5 Syllable

Section 6 Sound change

Section 7 Phoneme

Section 8 Reading and intonation

Section 9 Voice standardization

Chapter Three Chinese characters

To master of modern Chinese writing symbols - the basic theory of

Chinese characters and system knowledge, and improve the ability of students to understand, analyze and apply Chinese characters correctly, enhance the students’ awareness of Chinese characters standardization.

Teaching key points in each section

Section 1 Summary of Chinese characters

Section 2 Shape of Chinese characters

Section 3 Structure of Chinese characters

Section 4 Collation and standardization of Chinese characters

Section 5 Correct use of Chinese characters

Chapter four Vocabularies

By means of instructing content such as word, vocabulary,

acceptation etc, students are capable to master the basic knowledge and basic theory of lexicology, and analyze specific vocabulary from what they have learned, and to improve the ability of analyzing word, distinguishing words, appreciating words and using words.

Teaching key points in each section

Section 1 Vocabulary and vocabulary units

Section 2 Characteristics and construction of acceptation Section 3 Analysis of acceptation

Section 4 Aggregation of acceptation - semantic

Section 5 Context and acceptation

Section 6 Composition of modern Chinese vocabulary (part A) -

concourse of words

Section 7 Composition of modern Chinese vocabulary (part B) -

concourse of idiomatic phrase

Section 8 Development and change of vocabulary and vocabulary


Chapter Five Grammar

Grasp the basic concepts, basic unit, basic relations and basic

methods of analysis of Chinese grammar, so as to improve the understanding of Chinese grammar characteristics, the rational knowledge of Chinese grammar laws, and enhance the grammar awareness; to correctly apply the law of Chinese grammar, and be able to analyze ungrammatical norms in rational way and improve the ability to use language.

Teaching key points in each section

Section 1 Summary of grammar

Section 2 Word class (part A)

Section 3 Word class (part B)

Section 4 Phrase

Section 5 Sentence elements

Section 6 Sentence types and sentential form

Section 7 Common syntax errors

Section 8 Complex sentences

Section 9 Sentence group

Section 10 Punctuation

Chapter Six Rhetoric

Master the basic knowledge of the rhetoric and a general

understanding of the Chinese rhetoric overview; be able to apply the knowledge which has learned to improve the rhetorical ability; modify inappropriate rhetorical phenomenon and explain it base on rhetorical theory.

Teaching key points in each section

Section 1 Rhetorical summary

Section 2 Handling word

Section 3 Select sentence

Section 4 Figure of speech (a)

Section 5 Figure of speech (b)

Section 6 Figure of speech (c)

Section 7 Figure of speech (d)

Section 8 Comprehensive use of figure of speech

Section 9 Frequent errors of rhetoric

Section 10 Language body style