




ICE同济大学学生分会目前有学生理事与干事共22名,分别负责外事、策划、宣传、组织等方面的工作。分会现已招募首批会员400余人,会员招募仍然通过网络途径不间断开放。2011年到2012年,ICE同济大学分会开展了企业日、企业高层讲座、大型工程现场参观、暑期delegation等活动,参与企业涉及国企、外企、民企和港资企业。分会将在接下来的一年内开展优秀工程师讲座、企业日、Paper Competition、企业TEAM活动和关爱工程公益活动等系列活动,同时协办学院科创中心、外事办公室的相关活动。

Brief Introduction of ICE-TJU Student Committee

After the deliberate preparation since Sept. 2011, the ICE-TJU Student Committee was officially established in Dec. 2011 along with its student council.

ICE-TJU Student Committee aims to combine the resources of ICE and Civil Engineering College (CE) of TJU to meet the needs of students in related majors. It sets up a channel of communication between Chinese potential civil engineers and the outside world, companies and colleges, students and top engineers. The Committee also aims to help its student-members improve their personal capability, enlarge their knowledge scope and form their international vision.

The Committee, formed as a subsidiary of ICE SHA, is now led by Innovation Base of Civil Engineering College, TJU. The Student Committee has close relationships with ICE-SJTU Student Committee and members of ICE SHA, including top engineers from enterprise and professors.

In the past 2012, ICE-TJU Student Committee successfully organized a series of events such as “Company Day”, Senior Lecture, the site visit of some large-scale projects and the Delegation to Hong

Kong in the summer vacation.

In the coming 2013, ICE-TJU Student Committee plans to organize a series of events such as Member Recruitment, Inauguration Ceremony and “Company Day”. It also assists CE with various kinds of international exchanges for the interests of student-members. The committee also plans to deepen the involvement of public-spirited activities such as Caring Engineering Projects and Wu Zhi Qiao charitable activities. The Student Committee is now running closely with ICE-HA and ICE-SJTU Student Committee to promote the profile of ICE and the development of G&S of ICE Shanghai Branch.


ICE认同和赞赏中国近来土木工程建设所取得的巨大成就,但同时也认识到中国在现代基础设施开发项目中所面临的巨大挑战。在此条件下,ICE愿意为符合要 求的优秀中国工程师取得会员资格提供服务,并通过为他们提供协会会员资格的来分享协会的经验。协会 会员将受益于协会内部来自世界各地的工程经验,同时也可 促进交流,让全世界更具体地了解中国已建、在建和规划中的重点基础设施项目的规模和复杂性。

ICE的宗旨是“服务会员,服务社会”,几年来不仅定期召开年会、举办各种主题研讨会和专业讲座、组织会员参观虹桥交通枢纽、东海大桥等重大工程,还积极 参与社会服务,支持中国建设。四川“5.12”地震后,ICE中国代表Geoffrey Mills协同部分会员2年来多次亲赴四川,为灾区人民开展抗震救灾技术讲座;并与上海交通大学、上海建工集团等合作,为都江堰地区的灾后重建提供长期技 术支持。

