

Unit one


Americans usually make a plane for their retirement well in advance. 他们通常被看成最有希望的歌手。

They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers.


I have heard from references that your employer had called them.

告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。Please inform us the exact time so that we can make proper arrangements.


Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party


Your report can include enough details as long as it will not be a burden to read.

Unit two


Personally ,I will never get used to being retired


Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty . 你学习英文时,会发现把英文句子逐字翻译成自己的母语并不是聪明的办法。

When you are leaning English , you well find out that it is not clever to translate put the English sentences word for word into your own language . 如果我可以重提我们刚才讨论过的问题的话,我认为我们应该尽一切努力保护大熊猫。 If I would refer back to the problem that we were talking ,I think (that) we should try our best to protect panda


Do we have any clues and hints piece together so that we could have a better understanding of this matter.

Unit three


Please dial home and tell them I am on the way to the company


Since then there was never been any setback in production


I saw him insert the key into the lock


I suggest that you make a deposit the back


You can connect these loud-speakers to your laser player.

Unit four

如遇紧急情况, 请拨打报警电话110。

In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110.


The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus.

3) 给他安排房间前,接待员记下了他的姓名和身份证号码。

The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room.

4) 离开时请把空调关掉。

Upon departure, please switch off / turn off the air-conditioner.

5) 如果还有其他要求, 请与客房经理联系。

If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the resident manager.